The green witch and herbal aficionado would agree: the cure to what ails you is often at hand’s reach, and the layman or unfamiliar garden-tender would do well to differentiate detrimental weeds from familiar and friendly faces. After all; as the land begins to stir following a period of frigid dormancy, so too does its inhabitants, eager to Spring back into action while simultaneously needing supplemental nutrients and support to do so.
That’s where cultivating a reciprocal relationship with the land that nurtures us comes into play, and why we’d like to (re)introduce you to some of the more common herbs found in abundance across wild fields and manicured gardens alike. Not only will each of these plants grace us with their verdant energy and aromatic virtues in our upcoming The Witch’s Garden seasonal release, they can also help effectively soothe a laundry list of physical maladies and spiritual complaints. All they might ask is not to be overlooked the next time you cross their path and, instead, that they be cherished and protected as the ancient medicine and humble powerhouses they are.

AROMATIC PROFILE: vegetal · green · bitter · mineral ; brine
and damp tea leaves
HERBAL ACTIONS: adrenal support · astringent · anti-inflammatory · anti-histamine · anti-septic · circulatory stimulant · diuretic · galactagogue (increases milk production · emmenagogue (increases menstrual flow) · hemostatic (helps stop bleeding) · nutritive

As early bloomers, Violets secure their proliferation through the presence of secret, underground flowers. Known as “cleistogamous flowers”, these pallid subterranean appendages, also called Ghost Violets, produce more seed and germination than what the above-ground, openly-pollinated flowers are able to.
AROMATIC PROFILE: green · vegetal · watery · mellow ; reminiscent of crushed leaves, cucumber, and green pepper
HERBAL ACTIONS: analgesic · anti-inflammatory · cooling · cordial · demulcent (relieves irritation) · diuretic · lymphatic stimulant · mucilaginous · respiratory tonic · vulnerary (helps heal wounds)

Count on Chamomile to gently introduce us to the path of herbal remedies and botanical energetics.
An innocuous, cheerful member of the Asteraceae family (along with asters, daisies, and sunflowers), this common herb is a familiar go-to for most, often introduced during infancy to help soothe colicky temperaments and induce relaxation.
In adulthood, Chamomile can continue to support those in the process of addressing childhood wounds by soothing frayed nerves, calming digestive upset, and providing energetic security that can encourage us to re-experience curiosity, wonderment, and the vibrancy of life.
AROMATIC PROFILE: agrestic · bitter-sweet · solar · pungent ; like dry heat, hay, apples, and wildflower honey
HERBAL ACTIONS: analgesic · anodyne · antibacterial antifungal · anti-inflammatory · antihistamine · antioxidant · antiseptic · antispasmodic · carminative · diaphoretic (induces sweat) · digestive · emetic (induces vomiting) · febrifuge (reduces fever) · nervine · sedative · stomachic · tonic · vulnerary
Often overlooked and written off as a ‘weed’, Artemisia Vulgaris is a common perennial herb found growing in the wildest and most urban landscapes alike. Packed with potent flavonoids and volatile essential oils that give the plant its signature herbal aroma, Mugwort was and, in some circles, continues to be hailed as “The Mother of Herbs” for its wide breadth of pharmacological and esoteric uses.
Once used as a medicinal charm meant to revive the body and spirit of weary travellers, its association with travel to strange worlds and unknown places have carried over to its energetic signature and use as a guiding aid through spiritual flight, prophetic dreams, and hedgewalking.
AROMATIC PROFILE: medicinal · herbal · pungent ; bitter green and sweet mentholated quality
HERBAL ACTIONS: antispasmodic · carminative (relieves gas) · circulatory · diaphoretic · expectorant · emmenagogue · inebriant (mild) · nervine · stimulant · stomachic · uterotonic · vermifuge
The tomato has been surprisingly maligned throughout much of European history. First domesticated by the Culhua-Mexica (Aztecs) before its importation to Europe by Spanish colonizers, this member of the Nightshade family, it was quickly confused with its poisonous relatives belladonna, henbane, and mandrake, stirring grandiose lore and distrust for the fruit across Europe and its settlements.
One such belief was that the tomato's alleged toxicity lent itself to the dark arts of witchcraft, while another supposed that this devilish 'apple' was a powerful aphrodisiac.The odd superstitions and controversy surrounding this strange 'new' fruit did not stop there — tomato was also believed to turn man into werewolves! And to this day, its latin name "Solanum lycopersicum", or "wolf peach of the nightshade family", carries with it a reminder of the tomato's strange botanical history.
AROMATIC PROFILE: vibrant · green · solar ; powerfully nostalgic and pleasantly sharp with hints of pepper
HERBAL ACTIONS: antifungal · antioxidant · antiparasitic ; while not primarily used for its medicinal attributes, tomato leaf is vitamin-rich, nutrient-dense, and packed with flavour. To be enjoyed in moderation.